
pigs are notorious for things not very ham.

kl.1130: Circus of dirty plates dance atop dirtier plates along side the stench of cigarette buds from the stone age. There are fuck buddies on speed dial and drug abuse fantasies.

kl. 1345: Blood and sweat are tasty. 

kl.1600: Disenchantment can be nine days/weeks/years old and still glowing.

kl.1930: Maybe July and not June. Maybe it will stink. Maybe I am right.

kl.2000: In so far as we become who we never even thought possible in these young years of initiations,  is trying not really tiring? 

kl.2110: It was stupid; don't bother wondering which part of it.

kl.2140: Seriously, I am never buying black napkins again and I am sticking with the decision not to shave my arms.

kl.2350: I am just so tired now that you are huddled like a cattle in your new year's ritual trekking and I am stuck here in this cemented jungle of hypothetical blithe. At the risk of appearing a human as lovable as a bar of soap, I might just give it all up.

kl.0245: Auf Wiedersehen sleeping pill, hello insomnia & anxiety!

Yoko Ono

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